My work is informed by a deep care and concern for the growth and development of children of all ages. In doing this work I have great respect for the parents in these families who struggle at times to be the best parents they can be and at the same time heal themselves, and co-parent effectively with a partner who formerly was the most important person in their lives. I am committed to showing parents the respect and courtesy they need and deserve, which they are not always afforded in family court disputes. My intention is to assist them to become the best possible co-parents they can be.
Providing Forensic Psychology Services in Family Law Matters
Focused on Children’s Needs and Best Interests
Providing Forensic Psychology Services in Family Law Matters
Focused on Children’s Needs and Best Interests
Secure, HIPAA Compliant, Encrypted, Online Video Sessions Now Available
My work is informed by a deep care and concern for the growth and development of children of all ages. In doing this work I have great respect for the parents in these families who struggle at times to be the best parents they can be and at the same time heal themselves, and co-parent effectively with a partner who formerly was the most important person in their lives.
I am committed to showing parents the respect and courtesy they need and deserve, which they are not always afforded in family court disputes. My intention is to assist them to become the best possible co-parents they can be.

- American Psychological Association
- California Psychological Association
- Bay Area Psychological Association
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (International and California)
- Member, Board of Directors, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts-California Chapter (2021-Present)
Dr. Perlmutter
has been qualified
as an expert in the
following CA counties
Santa Clara
San Mateo
San Francisco
Santa Cruz
Contra Costa
San Luis Obispo