intervention procedures
Confidential Mediation
Is a process that provides an alternative way for parents to make agreements in the form of a Parenting Plan. It assists parents to address their parenting conflicts, exchange information, and discuss co-parenting their children. Confidential mediation requires the cooperation of both parents. During the sessions, a complete parenting plan based on their custodial preferences is prepared. We review and edit the plan as necessary.
NOTE: Depending on the family, this can range from navigating minor difficulties from a previous parenting plan or custody stipulation, to a new parenting plan agreement for a new dissolution.

Confidential Mediation includes but is not limited to:
- A basic timeshare custody schedule (sharing of holidays, vacations, summer and various parenting protocols)
- Health care (including counseling/therapy)
- Signing up for extracurricular activities
- Any other facet of co-parenting that needs clarification

I will provide the parents with an outline of topics and items they may wish to include in the Agreement. I bring to the parents my knowledge of developmental psychology, my experience with children in divorced families and my practice in creating effective time share plans in custody evaluations. I use my skills in mediation and facilitating effective communication.
Dr. Ken Perlmutter
NOTE: After an appropriate period of time I will provide a list stating all areas of agreement and disagreement. Additional input to resolve the disagreements is provided.
Co-Parent Counseling
This counseling is for those parents who have a reasonable relationship, a functional custody plan and a child custody/parenting plan stipulation in place.
Co-Parent Counseling (CPC) provides a forum for the parents to communicate effectively, address and resolve their differences and make cooperative parenting decisions.
I assist them to focus on their child(ren) and make decisions which they believe are in their child(ren)’s best interests. This is not mediation or psychotherapy (i.e. the treatment of psychological disorders) but rather counseling, in which I often educate and “coach” them on developing more effective methods of parenting, communication and cooperative co-parenting.
Dr. Ken Perlmutter

What it typically includes:
- Providing appropriate educational materials.
- Meetings on a regular or as needed basis with the agenda stated in advance.
- A written summary account of what we covered and specifically state any agreements that were made during each meeting.
- The parents write back to correct and/or confirm the agreements.
- If appropriate agreements may be provided to the parents’ counsel in order to be filed as a
stipulation and court order.

Dr. Ken Perlmutter developed a form of CPC that is termed “Issue Focused Co-Parenting Counseling”. In this form after a series of initial meetings that focus on basic communications skills, the CPC proceeds according to the following process:
At least 24 hours in advance of each meeting each parent will submit a list of specific agenda items.

At the CPC session then I facilitate a discussion of the items and work toward resolution.

After resolution and/or agreements are reached said agreements will be clearly stated in the meeting.

The counselor will write an appropriate summary of the meeting.

Within 24 hours of the meeting I will memorialize the agreements in writing in an e-mail to the parents.

The parents will confirm receipt of the e-mail to the counselor.

We will set follow up meetings as necessary.
Note: There are some instances when I will do Co-Parent Counseling with parents who have a less than functional relationship. In these instances “Parallel Co-Parent Counseling” can also be effective.